Oils: What to Use When
Believe it or not, one of the biggest problems with your diet could be the oils and dressings you're using. Different oils are good for different types of cooking, while some are just absolute no's. First off, get rid of any canola oil. Unless you're deep frying something it's not useful, and if you are deep frying foods you should probably stop anyways. Vegetable oil is alright in moderation, but I would avoid this one at all costs as well. When I cook I stick with olive and coconut oil. Olive oil for anything that doesn't need to be heated or that I use the oven to make, coconut oil for anything heated on the stove.
What's the issue with heating olive oil? When heated, olive oil loses a lot of its good properties and in a way becomes the corn of oils. It's not bad for you, but you're depriving yourself of all the goodness that was in it before. Coconut oil, however, can be heated to a higher temperature before it starts losing any of its good properties.
If I am not heating it, what do I use olive oil for anyway? Olive oil works great for dressings. I am simple with my dressings and just add 2 parts olive oil to 1 part basalmic vinegar for an excellent dressing. This is also going to help cut calories and it's far better for you than other store bought dressings. Olive oil is also great to put on top of veggies with a little pepper and Himalayan salt.
But coconut oil is hard, how do you cook with it? Very simple, heat it. Coconut oil is meant to be used as a cooking oil. I spoon some out of my giant Costco tub and add it to my pan first. Once its melted, then I start cooking. Fun hack: coconut oil tastes a lot like butter when melted, so for a healthier alternative, melt coconut oil to top your popcorn, instead of butter.
When do I use what?
Olive Oil -
-Veggie seasoning
-To coat your baked wings
-Zucchini Chips
-Baked chicken/salmon
Coconut Oil -
-Stir fry
-Pan cooked chicken/salmon
-As a butter substitute