Aug 11, 2022Lymphatic Drainage: Why Should You Care?What is Lymphatic Drainage and why should you care? Lymphatic drainage and properly draining your lymphatic system relieves swelling and...
Jul 20, 2022Journaling Prompts for Starting OutNew to journaling and unsure of where to start? I got you. Starting a journaling practice can feel overwhelming. Do you free associate or...
Jun 4, 2022The Cold Self-FacialDo you have a cold facial roller? If the answer is no, don't walk, RUN and get yourself one right now. The Cold Self-Facial has become a...
May 17, 2022Prioritizing Self-Care? Where to StartSMALL. When starting a new habit, it's always a good idea to start small. Why? It doesn't get overwhelming and it's the best way to phase...
Sep 15, 2021Meditation Styles: An OverviewWhat comes to mind when you hear the word meditation? For me, it used to be people in long robes, sitting cross-legged in silence for a...