My Workouts: A 5-Day Sneak Peek
Last week I wrote about how I like to write my own workouts. I truly feel that it has helped me maintain my consistency and continue to challenge myself in my workouts. My workouts are usually a mix of weight training and HIIT cardio with light cardio a couple of times per week. I want to share my program with YOU and give you a 5-day sneak peek into some of my workouts. So, here you are...
Day 1 - Legs
Warm Up
10 Minute Incline Walk
15-20 Minute Stretch
Superset 1
Weighted Step Ups 3 x 20
Squats 3 x 15
Calf Raises 3 x 20, 10 Second Hold
Superset 2
Curtsy Lunge to Squat 3 x 20
Weighted Bench Hip Thrusts 3 x 15
Superset 3
Pop Squats 3 x 20
Back Lunge to High Knee 3 x 15 (Each Side)
Pulsing Goblet Squats 3 x 15
Superset 4 - Booty Burnout
Donkey Kickbacks 3 x 15, 10 Pulses
Side to Side Glute Curls 3 x 12 (Each Side)
Weighted Single Leg Hip Thrusts 3 x 15 (Each Side)
Side Glute Burnout: 3 x 20 Clams, 15 U-Taps, 12 Back Bicycles
15 Minute Bike or Incline Walk
Day 2 - Arms
Warm Up
10 Minute Incline Walk
15-20 Minute Stretch
Superset 1
Weighted Star Jumping Jacks 3 x 20
Bent Over Rows 3 x 12 (Each Side)
Chest Press 3 x 15
Superset 2
Lateral to Front Raises 3 x 12
Lat Pull Downs 3 x 15
Star Push-Ups 3 x 12
Superset 3
Diamond Shoulder Raises 3 x 15
Modified Lunge to Delt Fly 3 x 12 (Each Side)
Incline Chest Flys 3 x 15
Superset 4 - Shoulder Burnout
Front Circles 3 x 12
Back Circles 3 x 12
Box Raises 3 x 12
30 Minute Elliptical
Day 3 - HIIT
Stretch 15-20 Minutes
HIIT Circuit - Repeat 4X
High Knees
Side Skaters
Mountain Climbers
Jumping Jacks
Forward & Back Diamond Jumps
Shoulder Taps
Kettlebell Swings
Jump Squats
Pepper Steps
Ab Circuit - Repeat 3X
12 Plank to High Planks
40 Bicycle Crunches
12 Pulsing Leg Drops
40 Scissor Kicks
Day 4 - Plyo Legs
Warm Up
10 Minute Incline Walk
15-20 Minute Stretch
Superset 1
Jumping Lunges 3 x 20
Pulsing Lunges 3 x 20
Superset 2
Pop Squats 3 x 20
Squats 3 x 15
Superset 3
Banded Crab Walks 3 x 50
Straight Leg Kickbacks 3 x 15 (Each Side)
Superset 4
Jump Squats 3 x 20
Curtsy Lunge to Squat 3 x 20
Superset 5
Weighted Step Ups to Back Lunge 3 x 20
Inner Thigh Pulses 3 x 50 (Each Side)
AbSet - Repeat 3X
20 Weighted Standing Side Crunches
15 Stability Ball Handoffs
20 Weighted Russian Twists
15 Stability Ball Tabletop Crunches
15 Minutes Bike or Incline Walk
Day 5 - Arms
Warm Up
10 Minute Incline Walk
15-20 Minute Stretch
Superset 1
Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press 3 x 15
Standing Tricep Kickbacks 3 x 15
Incline Chest Press 3 x 15
Superset 2
Alternating Bicep Curls 3 x 20
Skull Crushers 3 x 15
Alternating Hammer Curls 3 x 20
Bench Tricep Dips 3 x 15
Superset 3
Isometric Bicep Curls 3 x 15 (Each Side)
Tricep Push Ups 3 x 12
Star Push Ups 3 x 12
30 Minute Elliptical
If you have any questions just let me know! And don't forget, I do custom fitness plans customized to YOU and your fitness goals. You can set up a consultation call with me here.
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