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Recipe for an At-Home Spa Day

Today I am bringing you my Recipe for an At-Home Spa Day...

If you are anything like me, you're probably missing spa days, getting your nails done, massages and all that that entails. I'm not a huge fashionista so I like to treat myself to massages and getting my nails done. I haven't been able to do that lately so I've gotten a little creative...

What You'll Need:

- A Bath

- Epsom Salts or Bubble Bath

- Face Mask

- Nail Polish

- Nail File

- A Porch/Deck

- Fuzzy Towel

- Sunscreen

- A book or favorite magazine

- Wine (optional)


1) Turn off your phone. Yes, you read that correctly. Turn it off or on silent and put it aside, you won't need it for a while...

2) Throw on your favorite workout outfit and turn on a calming yoga flow from Yoga by Adriene on YouTube. Remember to breathe through your yoga flow and bring focus to your breath and body.

3) Draw a bath, add in some salts and/or bubble bath and apply your face mask. I recommend taking your bath in silence or with soothing music without lyrics. This will aid in calming the mind, which will help lessen any stress you may have built-up in your body.

4) Dry off and throw on your favorite fuzzy robe or swimsuit and spend the next 20-30 minutes reading outside. Make sure to wear sunscreen if you'll be in direct sunlight.

5) Once you're done outside, cool off indoors. File your nails and apply your favorite color of nail polish!

21+? Feel free to add some wine or champagne to your at-home spa day!

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