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Identifying your Triggers

Identifying Triggers Explained

Identifying triggers allows us to more easily and effecitively manage our emotions and navigate difficult situations. In the context of anxiety, it can help us prepare for moments of heightened anxiety. Identifying triggers is the act of exploring and finding your emotional, mental and anxiety triggers.

Triggers in Interpersonal Relationships: An Example

Think back to the last time you had a bad break-up. I’m not talking about splitting amicably. I am talking about pettiness, screaming at each other, or even making a big scene in front of family and friends. You might be able to conjure a memory of such an occurrence very quickly and if you can, congratulations, we are a lot more alike than you know.

Now imagine that and think about why you behaved that way. You might have an answer now after the fact, but did you have an answer when the blow-up started? Did you know exactly why you were being petty or why you were yelling? I don’t mean the “they cheated” or “they were rude” reason. I mean the deep-rooted reason that caused you to go from zero to sixty in two seconds. The reason you couldn’t just walk away.

As you learn to identify those triggers more effectively, it will become more second nature and may help to diffuse situations before they escalate.

How Do I Identify My Triggers?

Ask yourself probing questions and think introspectively about your experiences, reactions, emotions and behaviors. Identifying your triggers will help you to better understand yourself and your behaviors.

You can find the PDF version of my Identifying Triggers exercise here:

I'd encourage you to do it a few times and to continue to practice it throughout your life. The more you practice it, the better you will become at doing it anywhere, anytime and hopefully help to diffuse situations earlier.

This exercise comes directly from my Growing Up Anxious Workbook. You can find the full workbook here.


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