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To Go Organic or Not to Go Organic

I get this question a lot, especially considering I don't frequently talk about eating organic. So why do I get the question? Personally, I believe it's because we hear a lot of talk out there about how eating organic is so much better for you.

The simple answer is that going organic is best. You avoid pesticides and other chemicals that can be harmful to your overall health and wellness. Chemicals found in non-organic foods can cause cancer, chronic pain, illness, weight gain and even more.

The more complicated answer is that going organic isn't quite that simple. Some people live in something called food deserts, where organic food is more difficult to find. For others, it's simply too expensive to choose organic over the traditional foods at the store.

What Do I Do? When at the grocery store, I pick organic foods where I can, but try not to stress about it when it doesn't make sense. For example, the organic broccoli is about $0.35-0.50 more than the non-organic where we shop, so I buy organic.

When I'm out to eat or at a friend's house, I don't stress about it. At the end of the day, I'll probably do more harm to my body carrying the stress of trying to be 100% organic, than I would be just accepting that I'll do the best that I can.

What Should You Do? First off, avoid doing what someone else does simply because it's working for them. Figure out whether it can work for you too. I recommend always trying something and determining whether it is something you can stick with or not. Then, do whatever works best for you, while still being mindful of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

What Foods Should You DEFINITELY Eat Organic? Because if you don't, you're getting even more pesticides and chemicals.

  • Strawberries

  • Spinach and Kale

  • Apples

  • Grapes

  • Peaches

  • Bell Peppers

  • Celery

  • Tomatoes

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