BODY ATTACK: New Class #1
As part of my 28-Day Challenge I am attending 1 new fitness class per week. Seems pretty easy right, no. Not when you are working 50-60 hours a week and you cannot dictate the times of the classes. So after my second job of the day I rushed to the gym to make it to Body Attack. Honestly, I'd never heard of the class before, but it was the only one that I could make work with my schedule this week, so I got my little butt there!
Here's my advice, learn something about the class you're going to before you get there.. I'd forgotten my water bottle and when I considered purchasing one I figured I didn't need it. Had I known this was a cardio class, I would've done it! But somehow I survived and I only modified the push-ups in the last 5 minutes of the hour long class.
WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? So, this is an hour long cardio class mixed with body weight exercises. Overall, you're not really building too much muscle, nothing like body pump, but totally more than Zumba. Also do not mistake it for a dance cardio class, it's more jumping around and running.
WAS IT FOR ME? Totally! It's a great workout. I have been looking for something that gives me the same joy as Zumba but with more of a cardio kick in the butt and this class totally did the trick. There was a point when I thought I was going to pass out, but I made it through with flying colors!
IS IT FOR YOU? If you can handle some serious cardio, totally take this class. The music is fun and upbeat and you will feel so great once you've finished a full class! If you're more of a weights person and hate that heart beating out of your chest feeling, sit this one out.
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