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September Yoga Challenge

With another month coming to an end, it's time to introduce another challenge. For the month of September I have decided to do a yoga challenge. So far one of my favorite challenges has been my stretch challenge. As much as I didn't like the idea of it at the beginning, I loved the benefits I saw at the end. The yoga challenge is meant to kick it up a notch.

How is it measured?

Two yoga flows per week for a total of 8 by the end of the month. The plan is to do them Sundays and Thursdays, however if schedules conflict I will just move it to another day.

The Rules:

  • Each flow must be a minimum of 30 minutes.

  • Must use a structured yoga flow, cannot be something I've made up.

  • Track resting heart rate every morning.

Benefits Expected:

Similar to the yoga challenge, I expect improvements to my resting heart rate and flexibility. I can imagine I will notice some reduction in my overall stress level and better digestion as well.

I will check in on my progress here about halfway through the month and again at the end of the month as usual. If you have any questions or suggestions email me at

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